Tag Archives: scale

5 unorthodox ways to lose weight

Although losing weight has never been an issue nor goal to me, but for those who are on a mission to shed some bloody pounds, i found the following tips quite interesting:

1) Buy a scale that is accurate to tenth decimal place
Monitor your weight everyday and be encouraged by the progress you are making. Let’s face it, there will be days where you can lose up to a few pounds, while you’ve lost only 0.2 pounds on some days. But even a minute difference is still better than no difference right?

2) Drink your recommended “8 glasses” of water
Water is important to our health. Not only does it help metabolism, but in this case, it’ll help you feel less hungry. I personally find achieving the recommended amount pretty damn hard. Having 1 bottle of cup of water is no problem, but the refilling part, that’s the tedious part. So what I’ve been doing to overcome this obstacle is to drink from a 3L water bottle (it’s only $1 @ Walmart for a 3L bottled spring water – if you can finish that in a day, then you’re golden)

3) Make your diet public
Don’t be ashamed to let the world know that you are on a diet. This will increase your chance of success because of the accountability that you now have with the world.

4) Don’t diet over the weekend nor on special occassions
Woah. That’s a pretty bold statement huh? Although I am not encouraging you to go nuts over the weekend or special occassions, but hey, do reward yourself with a job well-done for the past 5 days of diet. It would serve as a good break prior to the following 5 days. If there was a special occasion, such as a birthday dinner, on a tuesday, then well, diet on a saturday to make up for it.

5) Make small lifestyle changes
I remember hearing this from a member at a gym I used to work in. I recall asking how her diet is like and her response was this, “it’s alright. I have a life to live.” Interesting comment. But should dieting be this hard? Of course..not! Try to make small and healthy changes in your life. For example, switch from regular pop to diet pop, go black on your coffee, park your car a bit further the next time you go shopping, and etc.

P.S. She was in terrible shape, so remember this kids: stay healthy but live life.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-unconventional-diet-tips-how-to-lose-50-pounds-in-three-months.html